
January 5 2017 burbank threatening to jump
January 5 2017 burbank threatening to jump

The Japanese customers are the best because of the rule of 4s (4 inches, 4 minutes, 4,000 baht).īut remember that you have to make as much as you can from them now because they are different to the buffaloes and seldom send money when they go home. Baccarra in Soi Cowboy and Rainbow 2 and Rainbow 4 in Nana Plaza are good choices. If you’re aged under 25 then get you hair dyed blonde, orange or other bright colour and apply for a job at a bar popular with Japanese. If the buffalo ever sees you with your pua (husband, coarse Thai) dropping you off to work on his motorbike or eating noodle soup after you have done a short time, just say it is your brother.Ĥ. “Thai man no good” should be said to every customer. Always tell the buffaloes that Thai men are no good. They all fall for that but it is usually something miserable like 5,000 baht. If after 6 months he has not sent you money, tell him it is your birthday in a few days. We have seen them and they haven’t changed. They are still the same colour as before. Kee-neow will send less and lie about the £ or $ being weak. If he is Khun Jai Dee he will send 20,000 baht or more. All of these things happen, they just may not be happening right now. And don’t worry, you’re not lying so this is not bad karma.

january 5 2017 burbank threatening to jump january 5 2017 burbank threatening to jump

When he does, the internet shop manager can write you an e-mail explaining why he should send you some money – sick buffalo, ill parent or sibling, tsunami etc. Even the buffalo who smells bad, the buffalo with the hairy back and the buffalo who refused to shower should be given your contact details.Įncourage him to contact you when he returns to his country.


Give your phone number and email address to every customer (except English teachers because they will call and e-mail you incessantly looking for free boom boom). English teachers earn in a month what we earn in a week so there are no exceptions!Ģ. If he is, forget giving him the respect we give to Thai ajarns and quickly move on to the next customer.

january 5 2017 burbank threatening to jump

Also, if he has a cheap neck tie, scuffed and unpolished cheap leather shoes, is wearing white socks with business trousers and leather shoes or simply seems reluctant to buy you a drink, ask him if he is an English teacher. Tourists are the more profitable customers because, when they go back to their country, they send you money. He might even have good contacts if we trick him, deceive him or steal from him so unless he is exceptionally handsome and/or rich, try and get him to go short time and then return to the bar to find a tourist. He knows too much and will be a hard target. There is very little chance that we will be able to put our hands in his wallet other than for this one-off transaction. If he does, attempt to seal the deal quickly. Determine if the buffalo lives and/or works in Thailand.

January 5 2017 burbank threatening to jump